The Holy Spirit and the mission of a Christian


  • Grzegorz Księżak The Education In-service Training Centre in Starachowice


Holy Spirit, the third divine person, mission of a Christian


The article states that through baptism we have been united with Christ, who entrusts us with various tasks in the Church, thus showing us the mission of each baptized Christian. A Christian is, therefore, a temple of the Holy Spirit, called and gifted to do what Christ did – to proclaim the good news, to transform the world for the common good of all people and for the glory of God the Father. From the moment of baptism all people in the Church become responsible for each other and for the community of the Church. The Holy Spirit urges us to take responsibility and care for the development of the Church by bearing witness to Christ’s love in our everyday life. A Christian is thus called to bear witness throughout the world.


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How to Cite

Księżak, Grzegorz. 2018. “The Holy Spirit and the Mission of a Christian”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 69 (1):49-54.



Doctrinal and theological formation