"The Little Prince" and education





Education is accomplished by modeling, in other words, by the observation of parents and other adults by the pupils. However, observation itself does not suffice. Pupils need words explaining the meaning and motives of a given behaviour. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's "Little Prince" is a type of literary pedagogical handbook which demonstrates that the aim of development is the ability of the human being to distance him/herself from him/herself and to leave the planet of their ego in order to make the acquaintance of others and learn the principles of creating bonds. This book indicates altruism as the purpose of education, showing at the same time a method of formation, which consists of patience in the search for such people with whom a constructing of friendship is possible. The criterion of growth in friendship is the ability of generosity and even of giving one's life up for friends, because we are forever responsible for those with whom we have become familiar.


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How to Cite

Dziewiecki, Marek. 2019. “‘The Little Prince’ and Education”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 76 (4):15-26. https://zfk.katecheza.radom.pl/index.php/zfk/article/view/32.