Biblical sources of the spiritual works of mercy


  • Jacek Kucharski


soul, mercy


According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the spiritual works of mercy should be considered our everyday duty, because it is these acts of love done to others that will matter on the judgment day when the Son of Man returns. These works have their source in texts of both Testaments. However, they do not exhaust all possibilities of showing mercy which are mentioned in the Bible. They are nonetheless the signposts which should be followed by believers of all time. The spiritual works of mercy will bring the expected results if they are performed out of true intentions, willingly, continually and regardless of the persons they are done to. To be hope for people, and thus the hope of merciful God, means to be the hope of the kind of love which constantly cares for others, does not count the time or ask "how much?". Being God’s merciful hope for people is a vocation, effort and beauty that is fascinating, attractive and introduces God into the human world. God is always at home then, and man in the hands of the loving God


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How to Cite

Kucharski, Jacek. 2014. “Biblical Sources of the Spiritual Works of Mercy”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 55 (3):33-41.



Doctrinal and theological formation