Pedagogy of Hope


  • Magdalena Korzekwa




The more fulfilled our hopes, the more we feel the hunger and longing for something even greater. If one hopes to realize, almost immediately there is hope for something new, because there are more thirst, more threats with which we hope to protect. Hope we feed more than bread. It is necessary for us constantly - like air . Hope comes from the fundamental belief that I am in the hands of a loving God and that my life has meaning. In the primary fluid hope, the hope is that if I live my life with God and God's people, then my small and big decisions are correct and that will lead me through blessings. The greatest hope is the one who trusts God more than himself. The source of this hope is the God who loves us unconditionally and irrevocably . Hope can only be built on love and truth. Mature man is always a realistic hope , which is aware of the difficulties and threats that he would have to face, but also know that anything can in him who strengthens him (cf. Phil 4:13) . The fullness of hope is sure that nothing and no one can separate us from the love of Christ ( cf. Rom 8:38-39 ). Full of hope can be placed only in the wisdom and love of God. Nothing so much does not strengthen the hope and friendship and cordial relations with those who are willing and able to love. The place of the flowering of hope is the hope shared in a community of loving people: in the family, circle of friends, in the parish, in a social group, in a national community. The easiest way to maintain relationships even hope against hope when we select those friends who are friends of God . God's hope motivates us to be vigilant and work together, that is the most blessed of the effort that a person can take in temporalit.



How to Cite

Korzekwa, Magdalena. 2013. “Pedagogy of Hope”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 51 (3):12-18.



Human and Christian formation