Eucharist as a memorial,sacrifice and feast of Christ, our food on the way



Eucharist, Holy Communion, Body and Blood of Jesus, Mystery of Christ


The Eucharist, unlike other sacraments, is a gift of God to the Church which leads the faithful to the heights of all good. However, it is not a gift for the elite, but it supports everyone who accepts it on the way to the ultimate goal - eternal life. So it is not a reward, but a reinforcement in this effort. Christians cannot live without it. It is the source and, at the same time, the goal of the entire Christian life. The Eucharist is a good that leads to the heigths of all goodness, because "here is the ultimate goal of every human desire, because here we attain God and God joins himself to us in the most perfect union" (EE 34). By participating in the Holy Mass, which is a memorial of the Mystery of Christ, the faithful takes part in His sacrifice on the cross, in His holy feast, and by receiving Holy Communion - the true Body and true Blood of our Savior – he receives the food that strengthens him during his earthly journey to the Kingdom of Heaven.


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How to Cite

Łabendowicz, Stanisław. 2020. “Eucharist As a memorial,sacrifice and Feast of Christ, Our Food on the Way”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation, no. 2-3 (September):29-37.

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