The Synod of Bishops on youth. Presentation of the preparatory document


  • Jarosław Wojtkun The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


synod, youth, young people, faith and finding vocation, document


In spite of many difficulties, young people are enthusiastic about taking on life challenges. Yet, they sometimes encounter obstacles raised by the socio-cultural determinants of modern times. Facing these problems, the Church is preparing for the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, to be held in October 2018 on the theme "Youth, faith and vocational discernment". This is not only a synod about the young but, primarily, for the young and organized together with the young. A period of two years of preparation for the synod is to be devoted to the careful listening to the voice of youth. The preparatory document for the synod outlines a number of issues relating to the cultural, social and religious context in which the present-day generation lives. The starting point of the document is a reflection on the beloved disciple, as a model of a young man followingChrist and pursuing his own personal life vocation. Vocation is a process that consists of the experience of faith, discernment, choice, and accompaniment. The latter element is elaborated on in the document by discussing the subjects, places and tools of pastoral actions.


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How to Cite

Wojtkun, Jarosław. 2017. “The Synod of Bishops on Youth. Presentation of the Preparatory Document”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 66 (2):89-94.

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