Children’s sobriety is the responsibility of the family, the Church and the Nation


  • Marek Dziewiecki


Children’s sobriety


One of the most serious risks children face today is falling into various kinds of addictions: to alcohol, drugs, pornography, gambling, computer or the Internet. The use of alcohol in childhood rapidly leads to addiction, failures at school, toxic relationships, as well as spiritual, moral and religious degradation. Alcohol is extremely attractive for those young people who suffer and cannot cope with everyday life, which is usually the adults’ fault. The only form of sobriety in adolescence is total abstinence, and the only effective method to prevent addiction is to teach children how to live the mature life. In this way, children do not need to escape from reality by altering their states of consciousness and "improving" their mood. Moralizing, threatening or appealing to the good will is not enough. Children who are brought up according to the principles of Gospel in the family, parish and school are least likely to reach for alcohol.



How to Cite

Dziewiecki, Marek. 2015. “Children’s Sobriety Is the Responsibility of the Family, the Church and the Nation”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 58 (2):5-10.



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