Education for dialogue in catechesis



education, catechesis


Education for dialogue in catechesis is done by a true dialogue with a graduate. Only in such a way the pupil opens to wychowawcykatechety and give him to know. If the teacher is the "man monologue" is not suitable to brought to the dialogue. What is needed is not only the atmosphere of friendliness and trust in the ward, but also the conviction that the truth comes up in association with others. The catechist should take up the position dialogical, which would to some extent a reflection of God's dialogue, and even its successor, which implies respecting the freedom of every man. Catechesis is an encounter with the Word of God and the form of a dialogue between God and man. It helps to bring out, identify and solve its basicproblems. Dialogue in catechesis helps to education and human development. When using forms of dialogue in catechesis must take into account the cognitive, emotional and volitional katechizowanego adjusting the choice of methods for their age. For the method of activation, placed on the divine, to be effective and bring the intended results must meet the following conditions: the involvement of leading, order or discipline, adapting the method to a group of participants, organization of space, preparation of supporting materials, proper management of time. If these conditions are met, how there is a dialogue between the catechist and students, as well as between the participants themselves will be fruitful catechesis


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How to Cite

Łabendowicz, Stanisław. 2012. “Education for Dialogue in Catechesis”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 45 (1):79-86.



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