Be evangelised and evangelize


  • Marek Dziewiecki




In the face of contemporary de-Christianization of Europe Benedict XVI published the Apostolic Letter "Ubicumque et semper" ("Everywhere and always"), by which established a new dicastery in the Roman Curia -Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization. In the introduction, the Pope wrote, "The Church has the duty to preach always and everywhere the Gospel of Jesus Christ." And notes that many modern Christians do not have basic knowledge of the Gospel life, and this leads to the behavior and moral judgments, which are in contradiction with the words and deeds of Jesus. The purpose of this study is to present the characteristics and competencies of witnesses of Christ who want the current social and cultural conditions become evangelizers, that Christ fascinate people today.

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Carnicella M. C., Comunicazione ed evangelizzazione, Paoline, Milano 1998.

Dei Verbum, 8.

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Hochschild M., Kundschaftler des Neuen, w: Zielsicher und menschenoffen. Ein neuer Blick auf Ressourcen und Möglichkeiten der Seelsorge, red. E. Garhammer, Regensburg 2001.

Jan Paweł II, Homilia w czasie Eucharystii, Urugwaj, 9 marca 1988.

Jan Paweł II, Przemówienie do Zgromadzenia CELAM, Haiti, 9.03.1983.

Lumen gentium, 48.

Paweł VI, Przemówienie do Kolegium Kardynalskiego, 22-6 1973, AAS 65/1973.

Św. Augustyn, Sermo 340, 1: PL 38, 1483.



How to Cite

Dziewiecki, Marek. 2011. “Be Evangelised and Evangelize”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 42 (2):23-34.



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