"Let us be witnesses to Love." Pedagogy of love in the pastoral and catechetical year 2009/2010





The The pastoralnokatechetyczny the year 2009/2010 Fri Let us be witnesses of love points to the integration of pastoral and catechetical activities in parish communities and mobilize the faithful to charity for the poor, unemployed and lost in today's complex world. The program allows you to reread the treasure of faith and fascinate him, awaken the dynamism of evangelization in order to build solidarity. The content of the program are to foster anddeepen the awareness that Christ is God's love. It is important to every man discovered God's love and truly human love in his personal life, marriage and family. This love must be the love of a beautiful, exhilarating, but also ready for a lot of sacrifices.the year 2009/2010 Fri Let us be witnesses of love points to the integration of pastoral and catechetical activities in parish communities and mobilize the faithful to charity for the poor, unemployed and lost in today's complex world. The program allows you to reread the treasure of faith and fascinate him, awaken the dynamism of evangelization in order to build solidarity. The content of the program are to foster anddeepen the awareness that Christ is God's love. It is important to every man discovered God's love and truly human love in his personal life, marriage and family. This love must be the love of a beautiful, exhilarating, but also ready for a lot of sacrifices.


List pasterski Konferencji Episkopatu Polski na niedzielę Świętej Rodziny pt. „Bądźmy świadkami Miłości”, z dnia 27 grudnia 2009 r.

Program katechetyczno-duszpasterski na rok szkolny 2009/2010 pt. „Bądźmy świadkami Miłości”, http://www.katecheza.radom.opoka.net.pl, z dn. 27.12.2009.



How to Cite

Łabendowicz, Stanisław. 2010. “‘Let Us Be Witnesses to Love.’ Pedagogy of Love in the Pastoral and Catechetical Year 2009/2010”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 37 (1):52-59. https://zfk.katecheza.radom.pl/index.php/zfk/article/view/639.



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