Biblical formation of catechists



Bible, formation, catechist, biblical formation, permanent formation, identity of the catechist


The biblical formation of the catechist requires not only good periodic formation through theological studies, but also permanent formation. Service to the Word of God requires deepening of spirituality and constant unity with Christ. The biblical dimension of catechist formation includes three stages of education: 1) shaping the catechist's identity and spirituality; 2) shaping biblical knowledge in the catechist for a better understanding of the Word of God; 3) developing transmission skills, i.e. the catechists' methodological abilities and forms adapted to the age of recipients and specific catechized conditions.


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How to Cite

Łabendowicz, Stanisław. 2020. “Biblical Formation of Catechists”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 77 (1):39-50.



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