Homework in catechesis



homework, catechesis


According to teaching guidelines, students should have time to rest and pursue their own interests after school. Therefore, the question arises: Should teachers assign them homework? Homework should be an extension of classroom work, which allows students to understand the material better as well as make use of the acquired knowledge and skills. It may also involve preparing for the next classes by collecting material or reflecting on a given topic. Hence, its aim is not only to master the newly acquired content, but to develop skills and habits, self-reliance and creativity. Homework also plays an educational role by shaping the will and character of students as well as teaching them to be organized and thorough.


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How to Cite

Łabendowicz, Stanisław. 2014. “Homework in Catechesis”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 53 (1):83-88. https://zfk.katecheza.radom.pl/index.php/zfk/article/view/383.



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