Ways to work with Scripture in catechesis, including group dynamics





There are two fundamental aspects of the work of the Holy Scriptures in the dynamics of the group. The first is focused on understanding theBible (the accent is on learning). The second tends to correlate with the experience of the biblical texts of human life (the accent is placed on the reference to age). Catechist, in order to deepen their faith, must have regard to the saving message of truth in the context of the current reality of the student. Its aim should be to encourage students to reach for the Bible to be read, to meditate, to seek God in these texts and themselves, and regarded it as the word of God addressed directly to them. It is important that the catechist he saw and understood what the students experience that could move the biblical text to their everyday lives. Numerous scholars and katechetyków search result in a rich set of specific methods of working with the Scriptures.All of these methods should be used taking into account the student's developmental level, their circumstances and to which the catechist intends to achieve. Of the many methods of work with the Scriptures, used in catechesis, which include group dynamics, are the following: Time of the Bible, Bible Study, bibliodrama, sharing the Bible.


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How to Cite

Łabendowicz, Stanisław. 2011. “Ways to Work With Scripture in Catechesis, Including Group Dynamics”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 43 (3):73-78. https://zfk.katecheza.radom.pl/index.php/zfk/article/view/541.



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