20 years of back to school - The Bishop Mark Mendykiem - chairman of the Catholic Education Polish Episcopal Conference - talks by Fr. Stanislaw Łabendowicz





The Bishop Mark Mendykiem - chairman of the Catholic Education Polish Bishops' Conference - the 20th celebrating thereturn of religion to schools talking to Fr. Stanislaw Łabendowicz. In conversation he told Bishop: what hopes and fears that accompanied him when the decision directing the Commission for Catholic Education and what are the plans for the work of this Commission. Bp. Mendyk talked about: the current sytuation of catechesis in schools, reasons for unsubscribing from the catechesis of young people and the impact of mandatory ethics instruction in school



How to Cite

Łabendowicz, Stanisław. 2010. “20 Years of Back to School - The Bishop Mark Mendykiem - Chairman of the Catholic Education Polish Episcopal Conference - Talks by Fr. Stanislaw Łabendowicz”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 40 (4):5-7. https://zfk.katecheza.radom.pl/index.php/zfk/article/view/580.



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