Pluralistic dimension of the tasks of catechesis of young people


  • Marceli Cogiel


catechesis, youth


Connection with each of the new evangelization and catechesis in our time, the hardest task of the Church-subparagraph, the largest and requires great commitment. Depends on whether the Church will come to life again, or will rapidly failing. Of course, inthese few thoughts can not be included through out the program of evangelization through catechesis, especially that it must take into account local conditions and a strong focus on presenting the training of catechists apostolic dynamism and openness permeating their entire attitude. Shown above aspects of catechetical certainly not exhaustive. Moz-to be inferred in other facets of the business. The intention of this article but there was no enumeration of all aspects of catechesis, or an indication of their validity. Much more important seems to be aware of the multifaceted activities of the church ministry of the Word. As it seems that only through this kind of reflection we can make the most effective forms of exploration. And pro-asleep ago in the firstplace to serve the above considerations.


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How to Cite

Cogiel, Marceli. 2009. “Pluralistic Dimension of the Tasks of Catechesis of Young People”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 35 (3):83-86.



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