Humanae Vitae, which is love and sexuality


  • Marek Dziewiecki


love, sexuality


28 July 1968 was promulgated the encyclical Humanae Vitae. This is one of the most debated and criticized the documents of the Church. Often simplistic view of Humanae Vitae is not surprising, since each statement on human sexuality, especially about the risks and moral standards in the field, raises emotions. The resistance in the face in the face of even the most obvious moral standards in the sphere of sexual stems from the fact that many people are experiencing severe difficulties in managing their own sexuality. Some people really can not cope with their own sexuality, that the sexual pleasure they can give conscience and freedom, and even health and life. Sexuality is a sphere, which places high demands on man, it combines the almost all the forces available to man. The essence of Humanae vitae.jest say that man should not destroy the natural, biological connection that exists between sexuality and procreation. Should, however, in a conscious and responsible to communicate the life offspring based on the natural cycle of fertility of human couples



How to Cite

Dziewiecki, Marek. 2009. “Humanae Vitae, Which Is Love and Sexuality”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 34 (2):58-62.



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