Patriotic upbringing today



upbringing, patriotism, modern times, homeland


We live in a time when patriotic upbringing has become "politically incorrect" because the dominant political parties in Europe as well as liberal and "progressive" media promote multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism. These environments intentionally blur the differences between patriotism and nationalism as well as chauvinism. Yet, patriotic upbringing will always remain valid because it results from human nature. Besides family, it is the homeland that influences the quality of human life as a community of language, culture, tradition, protecting the identity and security of its citizens. Patriotic upbringing today means striving to spread knowledge on the common heritage of compatriots, honest fulfilment of duties towards the state, as well as taking care for personal development and the well-being of one’s own family, as strong families are the basis of the nation's continuity and the security of the homeland.


F. Adamski, Człowiek. Wychowanie. Kultura. Wybór tekstów, Wyd. WAM, Kraków 1993.

K. Chałas, S. Kowalczyk, Wychowanie ku wartościom narodowym i patriotycznym. Elementy teorii i praktyki. Naród. Ojczyzna. Patriotyzm. Państwo. Pokój. Tom 2, Wydawnictwo „Jedność”, Lublin-Kielce 2006.

M. Dziewiecki, Rodzina u podstaw edukacji patriotycznej i obywatelskiej – analiza psychologiczna, w: Rodzina u podstaw edukacji patriotycznej i obywatelskiej, Warszawa 2008, s. 49-60.

W. Janiga (red.), Wychowanie do patriotyzmu, Wydawnictwo Archidiecezji Przemyskiej, Przemyśl-Rzeszów 2006.



How to Cite

Dziewiecki, Marek. 2018. “Patriotic Upbringing Today”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 72 (4):25-31.



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