The Eucharist and love



The Eucharist, Eucharistic species, love


The Eucharist is a particular meeting with God. After His resurrection, Christ remains with Man until the end of time, present physically for us in His Body and in His Blood. God knows that the closer to us is the one who loves us, the more He strengthens us with His love. In the Eucharist God affirms that He has taken each one of us with love from our conception, that He blesses us anew each day, that He helps us to break in ourselves that which hinders our loving and that He distributes us to neighbours as His gift of disinterested love. The test of a fruitful use of the Eucharist is our love towards others, especially those who are in physical, psychic or spiritual need and who are not able to repay us.


Jan Paweł II, Encyklika o Eucharystii w życiu Kościoła „Ecclesia de Eucharistia”, Poznań 2003.

Katechizm Kościoła Katolickiego.

Ratzinger J., Bóg jest blisko nas: Eucharystia – centrum życia, Kraków 2002.

Grześkowiak J., Eucharystia człowiek świat, Włocławek 1997.



How to Cite

Dziewiecki, Marek. 2020. “The Eucharist and Love”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 77 (1):5-8.

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